Robot at your service: Machine healing for patients

Patients at the COVID facility of sector 39 Noida have gotten used to it, but the little robot that delivers medication to infected people has a promising future. Addverb Technologies is a global robotics, and industrial automation company that placed the robot that is programmed to enable basic operations at hospitals such as carrying food and medicines.

This robotic startup is also doubling down on using its new automated solutions, specially designed for its usage in hospitals, malls, airports, hotels, office spaces, etc to fight against COVID-19.

“We are six co-founders, and all worked together in Asian Paints. We were all there when the world’s largest paint factory opened at the time. Asian Paints opened another larger factory later. The thing is that the factories were all fully-automated,” says Amit Kumar.

Kumar noted that all the robot technology came from the US, EU and Japan, so “why not start robotics in India in a business sense. We have the tech and the know-how. We thought of the idea in March 2016, and by July of that year we were getting inquiries, and got our first customer.”

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