How To Find Out If You Are In The Right Workplace - Addverb

How to find out if you are in the right workplace

At every phase of your career, it’s imperative you choose the right workplace, especially in the initial stages of your career, as it will determine how you’ll grow your career. Satish Shukla , Co-founder & CHRO, Addverb, shared the following ways to determine what would be a great place to work at for you:

Meaningful work:

The first step towards determining that a workplace is the right workplace for you by the kind of work you are doing. You should find meaning in your day-to-day activities, and they should not be just a set of instructions to execute and require a vast variety of skills.


How you feel about your workplace plays a major role in determining your career path. If you feel associated with your colleagues, and believe in the values of your organisation, you’re more likely to go above and beyond in the quality of your work.


You get an opportunity to not just execute projects, but also the freedom and autonomy to take decisions for your work. You get to launch new initiatives and the budget and mentoring to support them at the right workplace.


Your contribution will always be appreciated and a great place to work will always recognise or reward it.

Feedback & Learning:

Upskilling is one of the most important aspects of your career path. If you get constant constructive feedback and open discussions on how to improve, you will know you’re in the right workplace

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