Workplace Intimacy: A boon or a bane?

Since the age beginning, many companies have frowned upon Workplace Intimacies and Workplace romances.

Though, the workplace culture is fashioned by the way employees interact with each other, at the workspace, and is an undeniably organic process and loosely termed as workplace intimacy.

Such intimacies and a good bond between employees – friendships, and collaborative relations in the workplace help in developing trust between the colleagues, and leads to a more positive work environment.

“Workplace intimacy helps in the growth of the organisation as often when the head-hunters come calling for your key talent, the kind of relationship people have with their colleagues can be an anchor that can ensure retention. Also, it helps in getting things done, as often people go out of their way to help their colleagues. It also creates a good working environment, a safety net for individuals and also helps promote diversity as women employees, minority groups, differently-abled people, smaller regional groups especially feel more included,” said Kanupriya Verma, Senior Manager – HR, Addverb Technologies.

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