How To Excel In Ecommerce Order Fulfilment

Order fulfilment is an important part of ecommerce operations since it substantially impacts customer happiness, brand reputation, and overall business performance. In today’s competitive industry, meeting consumer expectations for timely and correct delivery has become increasingly vital. However, ecommerce order fulfilment has its own set of difficulties. Fortunately, Addverb has created new warehouse solutions through industrial manufacturing to handle these difficulties efficiently. 

Order Fulfilment

Order fulfilment encompasses the entire process from receiving and processing customer orders to delivering them. It involves several key stages such as order placement, processing, inventory management, picking and packing, shipping, handling returns, customer communication, and quality control.

Efficiency in order fulfilment is crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction. Businesses frequently employ technology and automation to streamline these processes, optimizing speed, accuracy, and overall operational effectiveness.

HUL’s Chennai warehouse, achieving 24-hour order fulfilment with 9,500 picks per hour. HUL successfully delivered orders to 28,000 stores within 24 hours using Addverb’s innovative solutions like Rapido, Quadron, Box-It, and smart conveyors powered by Mobinity.

Importance of Ecommerce Order Fulfilment

Customer Satisfaction

Timely Delivery: Fast delivery boosts customer satisfaction and encourages repeat business.

Order Accuracy: Accurate fulfilment reduces errors and returns, enhancing the customer experience.

Operational Efficiency

Streamlined Processes: Efficient processes cut down handling time and costs.

Inventory Management: Effective systems prevent overstocking and stockouts, ensuring product availability.

Cost Management

Reduced Shipping Costs: Optimized shipping routes and consolidated orders lower shipping expenses.

Labor Efficiency: Automation reduces the need for manual labor, cutting labor costs.


Growth Handling: Robust systems manage increased order volumes without delays.

Market Expansion: Efficient fulfilment supports expansion into new markets, meeting customer expectations globally.

Competitive Advantage

Faster Delivery: Quick shipping options provide a competitive edge.

Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Reliable fulfilment builds trust and loyalty, leading to repeat purchases.

Data and Analytics

Performance Tracking: Fulfilment systems offer data to track processing times and error rates.

Improvement Insights: Analysing this data helps optimize the fulfilment process.

Brand Reputation

Consistent Experience: Reliable fulfilment ensures a positive customer experience, strengthening the brand.

Handling Returns: Efficient returns management maintains customer satisfaction and protects the brand’s image.

DHL now achieves over 100 units per hour compared to under 20 previously, experiencing a 300%+ increase in throughput efficiency and accuracy. Addverb’s robotic sorting solution has significantly reduced manual processes at DHL’s distribution facility near Columbus.

Challenges in Ecommerce Order fulfilment

Inventory Management: Accurately managing inventory levels is complex. Overstocking can incur higher storage costs, while understocking may lead to lost sales and dissatisfied customers.

Order Processing Efficiency: Inefficiencies in order processing can cause delays, errors, and increased operational costs, especially for businesses with high order volumes.

Packaging and Shipping Costs: Balancing packaging material costs and shipping fees, while ensuring products arrive intact, is a constant challenge.

Shipping Speed: Meeting customer expectations for fast shipping is demanding, particularly for smaller e-commerce businesses.

Returns and Exchanges: Efficiently handling returns and exchanges is crucial for maintaining customer trust but can be time-consuming and costly.

For more informative reads, check out our other blogs covering ecommerce, technology, and business strategies.

Order Fulfilmet Solutions by Addverb

Addverb offers advanced order fulfilment solutions designed to optimize the efficiency and accuracy of logistics operations. Here are some of the key solutions provided by Addverb

Mother-Child Shuttle (Multi-Pro)

  • High-Density Storage: Addverb’s Multi-Pro system is a shuttle-based automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) that maximizes storage density and improves space utilization.
  • Scalability: The modular design allows for easy scalability, accommodating growing inventory needs without significant infrastructure changes.
  • Speed and Accuracy: Enhances the speed and accuracy of picking operations by automating the retrieval process, reducing the time taken to fulfill orders.

Robotic Sorting Systems

  • High Throughput: Addverb’s robotic sorting systems can handle high volumes of packages, making them ideal for large-scale operations.
  • Flexibility: These systems can sort a wide variety of items, from small parcels to large packages, providing flexibility in handling different types of products.
  • Precision: Robotic systems ensure precise sorting, reducing errors and increasing the speed of order processing.

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)

  • Versatility: Addverb’s AMRs can perform various tasks such as picking, transporting, and sorting items, providing versatility in warehouse operations.
  • Efficiency: These robots enhance operational efficiency by reducing the need for manual labour and optimizing the movement of goods within the warehouse.
  • Safety: Equipped with advanced sensors and navigation systems, AMR operate safely alongside human workers, reducing the risk of accidents.

Pick-to-Light and Put-to-Light Systems

  • Increased Productivity: These systems guide workers through picking and putting processes using light indicators, increasing productivity, and reducing errors.
  • Ease of Use: Simple and intuitive to use, these systems reduce training time and improve the efficiency of order fulfilment.
  • Accuracy: Enhances order accuracy by providing clear visual cues for picking and placing items, reducing the likelihood of mistakes.

Research shows that global e-commerce sales are expected to rise by 2025 to $7.4 trillion, proving that e-commerce is here to stay. To continue to be successful and relevant today, businesses need to quickly and accurately be able to process orders in today’s demanding global economy.

Final Point

Excelling in ecommerce order fulfilment requires a strategic and holistic approach. By optimizing each stage of the process, from order placement to delivery, you can enhance customer satisfaction, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. Stay proactive, embrace technology, and continuously seek ways to improve your fulfilment operations to stay ahead in the competitive ecommerce landscape.

Looking for a Solution


What is order fulfilment in ecommerce?

Order fulfilment in ecommerce is the process of receiving, processing, picking, packing, and shipping customer orders, including handling returns.

Why is order fulfilment important for ecommerce businesses?

Efficient order fulfilment enhances customer satisfaction, reduces costs, minimizes errors, and improves overall operational efficiency.

How can I streamline order processing in my ecommerce business?

Implement automated systems for order entry, validation, and billing. Ensure real-time inventory updates and optimize warehouse layout.

What are some common challenges in ecommerce order fulfilment?

Challenges include inventory management issues, shipping delays, high return rates, and maintaining consistent customer communication.

How can ecommerce businesses improve their handling of returns?

Improve returns handling with clear policies, automated management systems, responsive customer support, and prompt processing of refunds/exchanges.

How can I measure the success of my ecommerce order fulfilment efforts?

Measure success through KPIs such as order accuracy, fulfilment times, return rates, customer satisfaction, and operational costs.

How can ecommerce businesses ensure scalability in order fulfilment?

Ensure scalability by investing in scalable technology, optimizing warehouse operations, and adjusting strategies based on growth and demand.

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