Sorting robots for Reliable and Accurate Order Fulfillment

Zippy, our robotic sorter, accurately classifies SKUs at high speeds. Equipped with obstacle detection and grid-based ground markers, Zippy offers opimised sortiation operation with flexibility for adding and removing robots and sorting destinations. It comes in two forms: table-top for vertical sortation solution and floor-top for integration with conveyors and case pallets.

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SortIE, our modular vertical sortation robot operates on a dedicated track, swiftly sorting parcels to their respective bin positions in a put to wall. With its innovative design, efficient belt drive mechanism, and precise motion control, it ensures flawless and accurate sortation with efficiency. Ideal for rapid commerce and reverse logistics, SortIE can be readily expanded to accommodate higher demand.

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Sorting Robot Applications

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Get ready for future, with our Next-Gen Sortation Robots

Manage peak season fulfilment with Addverb’s sorting robots

Addverb's Automated sorting robots revolutionizes warehouse operations, boosting sorting efficiency and throughput. Leveraging AI and machine learning, these robots handle diverse sortation tasks with precision and adaptability.

Faster order fulfilment with Robotic sortation solution at Landmark Kuwait

With Addverb’s successful collaboration, Landmark Kuwait has changed their delivery game, achieving faster order fulfilment. Our quazzy solution, Quadron and robotic sorter system classifies SKUs for quicker and accurate sorting and consolidate...

Transforming Automated sorting inside DHL USA

Discover the collaboration between Addverb and DHL USA. Witness how our partnership transformed DHL’s sortation hub with Zippy and real-time FMS integration for a seamless peak season order fulfilment.

How Sorting Robots can unlock the potential?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What are different types of sorting robots?

    Addverb has 2 types of sorting robots. A flexible sorting robot "Zippy" and a fixed sorting robot "SortIE". These both work together form quick and efficient sortation system.

  • Are sorting robot AGVs?

    Addverb sorting robots are complex AGVs following qr markers and software algorithms for optimising and transporting the totes/parcel/packages to their destinations.

  • What are AGVs?

    Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are robots that follow a predetermined path within a facility to transport cartons/totes a sort parcels. They operate autonomously without a human intervention.

  • What are the advantages of AGVs?

    AGVs have increased efficiency, improved safety, flexibility to add or remove at any time and can achieve 99% accuracy in sorting. There is a misconception on Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs).

  • What will be cost of implementing Sorting robot/AGVs?

    Sorting robots/AGVs require infrastructure changes, such as magnetic tape, QR codes, or wires for navigation, resulting in higher upfront costs. But once operational, the cost drops significantly due to their low maintenance and higher throughput.

  • Which all industries can I implement Addverb Sorting robots?

    Addverb AGVs such as robotic sorter and vertical sortation system find applications across various industries warehousing, including logistics, e-commerce, manufacturing, healthcare, biotech, food and beverage, and more.

  • Which other systems will be required with Addverb Sorting robots?

    Our sorting robots integrates and works best with our Fleet management system, that allows it to seamlessly monitor and improve with data. It can also integrate with your existing warehouse management system.

  • How fast and accurate is robotic sorters?

    Our ultra-fast moving Robotic sorter Zippy, with a payload capacity of 6 kg - 40 kg, performs 99% accurate SKU level sortation up to 30,000 sorts/hour. It can travel upto 2 m/s achieving maximum efficiency. We also have Zippy X and Zippy Tug for varied applications.

  • How SortIE helps our sorting?

    Our vertical sortation robot, SortIE travels at a speed of upto 3 m/s and easily sort upto 400 parcels an hour. It can carry payloads upto 10 kg enabling high-scale delivery scheduling with better space utilisation.