Addverb’s efficient Rail Guided Vehicle, Travect provides a fast and flexible alternative to continuous conveyor systems used to transport pallets within warehouses and factories.
Speedupto 3 m/s
Maximum Payload 1500 kg
Track Width850 mm
Acceleration0.5 m/s2
Travect receives the pallet from the conveyor
Moves on a fixed-floor twin rail loop for quick movement
Drops the pallet accurately for order processing
Rail-guided vehicles (RGVs) in a warehouse can offer several advantages in terms of efficiency, productivity, and safety. Here are some of the optimal use-cases:
Travect can be used to transport materials, goods, or pallets within the warehouse. They can follow predefined routes on the rails, enabling efficient movement without the need for human intervention.
Weight of Robot500 kg
Operating Temp.+5 to +45 Degree C
Travect performs rapid material transportation along fixed rails, minimizing transit time.
Rail guided vehicle moves on fixed path minimizes risk of collision, enhances workplace safety.
RGVs can adapt to various load handling applications and scaled to different warehouse layouts.
RGVs automate material handling, reducing labour costs & optimizing space utilization.
Addverb's products are helping its customers scale by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing productivity. By automating repetitive tasks, performing complex tasks with precision and accuracy, and enabling customers to adapt quickly to changing market demands, Addverb's automation solutions are enabling businesses to make their operations more efficient.
Our extensive product portfolio helps us design customised solutions for varying industry requirements.