Unsere Lösungen

Einwandfreie Sortierlösung

Sorting returned products manually can be a time-consuming and error-prone process, leading to inefficiencies and increased labour costs. Automated sortation solution can help overcome these challenges by ensuring that returned products are handled efficiently, accurately, and quickly. Our sortation solution can quickly and accurately identify returned products and sort them based on predefined criteria, such as their destination, type, or condition to ensure that the returned products are processed appropriately.

Optimierte umgekehrte Operationen

Large order volumes can lead to higher number returns – it can be a challenge to scale reverse logistics operations at the same pace. While picking automation solutions facilitate scalability by automating processes and increasing throughput, they can also allow warehouses to handle larger volumes of returns without adding additional labour or resources. Automated picking solutions improve the efficiency, accuracy, scalability, and cost-effectiveness of reverse logistics operations.

Echtzeit-Transparenz in der Rückwärtslogistik

Reverse logistics involves tracking and tracing the movement of goods from the point of return to the final disposition. Warehouse Execution System (WCS) provides real-time visibility into the status of each item, enabling warehouse staff to track the progress of goods as they move through the return process. The software helps manage the workflow of the return process, ensuring that each step is completed in the correct sequence and that the right people are notified when actions are required.

Reverse Logistics Automation Solutions


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