Unsere Lösungen

Maximize efficiency & accuracy with Goods-to-Person Automation

Instead of moving from aisle to aisle, automation bridges the gap by bring the goods to person. Addverb’s automated Goods-to-Person system reduces operator movement and mitigates order consolidation errors. Goods-to-Person systems not only increase efficiency multi-fold by reducing manual walking time, but also eliminates errors in SKU picking.

Error-free Picking with Person to Goods

Unplanned pick paths while looking for various SKUs for order consolidation can be both time consuming and frustrating. Addverb’s Person-to-Goods solutions like pick-by-voice, pick-by-vision and light can direct the operator by light and voice-commands to different storage locations in an efficient sequence. Additionally, Addverb’s Warehouse Control System can monitor and assign picking tasks basis pre-defined order priority.

Picking Automation Solutions


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