Onze oplossingen

Storage automation for small and medium sized items

Our Carton-based Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS) allow for efficient storage and retrieval of varied containers – cartons, totes, bins etc. The system enables double-deep storage with high througput and high spoeed operations. This system can help optimise storage space by organising goods in a compact and efficient manner.

Throughput Driven ASRS System

These are Unit Load ASRS systems used to store and retrieve pallets and heavy loads, where slow-moving SKUs in large quantities are involved. It can be customised to handle odd shapes and heavy goods. These reach up to the height of 42 m, to optimise space, and a warehouse may have multiple aisles dedicated for pallet racking depending on the throughput requirements.

Verbeterde multi-diepe opslag

Addverb’s comprehensive offerings include 3 pallet based shuttles, enabling multi-deep storage at a throughput beyond manual capabilities. Multi-deep storage requires less aisles and makes way for more storage racking, resulting in best utilisation of available space and maximising storage capacity of warehouses. The shuttles support pallet handling of varied sizes and hence supports large number of SKUs

Storage & Retrieval Automation Solutions


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