There is an inherent risk of chemical reactions, leaks, fires, and explosions while storing chemicals. Misuse of chemicals can lead to catastrophic outcomes, such as supply chain interruption, environmental damage, and worker injury. Reducing these risks requires specialised warehouse solutions. 

The chemical warehousing industry stands to benefit on many levels to unlock its growth potential. From safety and warehouse optimisation to material handling and space utilisation, there are numerous ways that automated systems can improve efficiency while reducing labour costs and increasing profits. 

Introducing ASRS (Automatic Storage Retrieval System) technology, AGV (automated guided vehicles), and AMR (autonomous mobile robots) to your warehouse will streamline the effective utilisation of the workforce along with space-optimised future-ready warehouses. Ultimately driving the chemical industry to unlock its potential for unimaginable success. 

Safety Benefits of Chemical Warehousing 

The foremost benefit of using automated systems in warehouses is increased safety measures. It enables us to keep up with regular chemical warehousing safety audits. Adopting new-age automation technology will ensure maintaining the facility in an orderly manner and prevent accidents and emergencies. With warehouse automation, many of the risks posed by manual labor can be eliminated. This means that fewer mistakes are made, leading to fewer accidents in the workplace. 

Additionally, automated systems provide added security benefits; with restricted access control measures in place, only authorized personnel can access sensitive areas of a warehouse or storage facility. This will in turn make the warehouse a safe place to work but not to contribute to global deaths in industrial accidents. 

Warehouse Optimization in Chemical Industry 

Automatisering kan processen versnellen door items automatisch te sorteren in aangewezen sleuven of containers binnen de faciliteit. Dit bespaart niet alleen tijd, maar maximaliseert ook de ruimte door efficiënter gebruik te maken van de beschikbare opslagruimte. Bovendien zorgt het ervoor dat alle items correct worden gelabeld en verantwoord, zodat de voorraadniveaus altijd up-to-date blijven. 

Geautomatiseerde oplossingen verlagen de kosten voor ruimtegebruik door de beschikbare opslagruimte te optimaliseren via efficiëntere stapelmethoden en door de zichtbaarheid van producten te vergroten via RFID-scans of barcodelezers op AGV's (Automatisch Geleide Voertuigen) of AS/RS (Automatische Opslag/Vraagsystemen). Door deze technologieën samen te gebruiken, kunnen magazijnen maximale capaciteit bereiken zonder aan veiligheid in te boeten. 

Is 2024 het juiste moment om magazijnen te automatiseren - Lees ook 


"Magazijnautomatisering is op maat gemaakt om nauwgezette nauwkeurigheid te bereiken en storingen in de materiaalhantering te voorkomen." 

Wanneer het materiaal door mensen wordt verwerkt, is het duidelijk dat er fouten in zitten zoals verkeerd plaatsen, verkeerd hanteren, verkeerde identificatie van chemicaliën en overbelading. Met geautomatiseerde systemen kan men een feilloze hantering bereiken en kiezen voor een grotere efficiëntie op het gebied van tijdbeheer en kostenbesparingen in verband met arbeidskosten. Bovendien kunnen ze risico's verminderen door ervoor te zorgen dat zware voorwerpen nog steeds veilig worden gehanteerd volgens voorgeprogrammeerde instructies in plaats van handmatig te worden opgetild door operators. 

Human Labour Efficiency   

Geautomatiseerde systemen zoals ASRS en AMR die worden aangestuurd door intelligente software-WMS kunnen ook de efficiëntie van menselijke arbeid verhogen doordat de operators zich kunnen concentreren op zinvollere taken in plaats van veel tijd te besteden aan het handmatig ophalen van items uit verschillende delen van het magazijn. 

Ultimately, integrating automated storage and retrieval systems into Chemical warehousing operations, ushering in a new era of smart warehousing.  

Customized chemical storage 

The problems of storing hazardous goods can be expertly solved by businesses that specialize in chemical warehousing. These solutions include state-of-the-art facilities with real-time monitoring, ventilation, temperature control, and state-of-the-art fire suppression systems. They also guarantee compliance with international and national chemical storage standards. 

Regularity in inventory and tracking

Ask about inventory tracking and visibility if you’re looking for chemical warehousing services. You can always keep an eye on the number and placement of chemicals via inventory tracking. Our chemical warehouing services offer visibility and real-time inventory tracking. 

This may entail receiving order updates, obtaining supplies from local suppliers, transporting those items to your place of business or other required locations, and more. Inventory visibility is the ability to know where all of your resources are at any given time, including raw materials that are stored in a warehouse and commodities that are being transported between sites or suppliers’ warehouses. 

Services related to transportation

Transportation services are essential in warehousing. The chemicals’ dependability and safety are equally as crucial as how quickly they may go from one location to another. Seek out chemical storage companies that offer environmentally responsible shipping options. 

Addverb provides a wide range of fixed and flexible chemical warehousing automation that will help face the bove mentioned challenges. 

Vaste automatisering


Products consist of systems that rely on a fixed infrastructure for operation. These solutions are ideal for industries that demand high-volume, repetitive production of standardized products, such as automotive, electronics, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and packaging. 

AS/RS: Innovative warehouse automation technologies designed for high-density storage and retrieval of goods. They are equipped with rails, robotic arms, shuttles, lifts, and software for inventory management and quicker material handling processes. 

Carton ShuttlePallet ShuttleMother Child ShuttleMulti-Level Shuttle4-Way Pallet Shuttle   

Stacker crane: Efficiently loads and unloads heavy items, ensuring precise storage. It’s highly designed for unit loads and pallet loads, with accurate real-time inventory tracking. 

Vertical Sortation Robot: Delivers highly accurate sortation while sorting individual packets to their destination locations at varied heights on a dedicated track. 

Rail Guided Vehicle: Provides a fast and flexible alternative to continuous conveyor systems used to transport pallets within warehouses and factories 

Flexibele automatisering

Products consist of systems that rely on a fixed infrastructure for operation. These solutions are ideal for industries that demand high-volume, repetitive production of standardised products, such as automotive, electronics, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and packaging.  

Autonomous Mobile Robot: Powered by Lidar and operates on natural navigation. It can carry payloads of 100 kg, 200 kg, 500 kg, 1000 kg, 1500 kg, and 2500 kg.  

Multi-Carton Picking Robot: Navigates through grid-based paths to pre-decided locations for storing and picking carton loads, working in perfect sync with one another. 

Sorting Robots: Automated systems to identify and categorise order parcels or packages. They are equipped with sensors, cameras, and AI algorithms for accurate and quick sortation. 

Autonomous Forklift: Autonomous forklifts are self-operating vehicles equipped with sensors and software that allow them to navigate and transport materials without manual intervention. 

Collaborative Robot: Designed to work alongside humans in shared spaces to perform industrial operations. 

Pick-To-Light: Our trusted Pick-to-Light solution empowers your workforce to pick the correct products and quantities swiftly and accurately for order fulfilment. 

Pick-By-Voice: Our advanced Pick-by-Voice technology revolutionises the order-picking process. By eliminating the need for paper or RF devices, Zesty streamlines operations through voice commands. 

Warehouse automation brings numerous benefits to Chemical warehousing for easing the day-to-day warehouse operations. Adopting new technology will minimise the substantial cost risks that occur due to inefficiency and failure to deliver on time amidst rising demands in the market. 

The chemical warehousing challenges highlighted can be tackled seamlessly with Addverb, your one-stop provider with decennial expertise in Warehouse automation. 


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