The trend of automation in industrial production has led to massive use of autonomous robots. In classical approaches, safety in robotic warehouses is usually guaranteed by isolating robots from humans. Collaborative robots, i.e., humans and robots working together, are expected to increase both productivity and performance.
As technology advances, so does our ability to revolutionise traditional practices. One such innovation that is rapidly transforming the industry is automated warehouses. These cutting-edge facilities are powered by state-of-the-art automation systems designed to improve efficiency and productivity. However, as with any revolutionary change, safety concerns arise. At Addverb, we understand the paramount importance of ensuring safety in robotic warehouse environments for both humans and machines in these high-tech robotic warehouses.
Ensuring Safety in Robotic Warehouses
We begrijpen hoe belangrijk het is om potentiële risico's te identificeren en proactieve maatregelen te nemen om ze te beperken. Onze praktijken voor het uitvoeren van grondige risicobeoordelingen zijn ontworpen om gevaren te identificeren, de ernst ervan te evalueren en effectieve controlemaatregelen te implementeren.
Risk Assessment Process
The first step in our risk assessment process involves identifying potential risks that could pose a threat to the safety in robotic warehouse and our employees. This includes assessing all aspects of the warehouse environment, such as layout, equipment, materials handling processes, and employee tasks.
We houden ook rekening met zowel interne als externe factoren die van invloed kunnen zijn op de veiligheid in robotmagazijnen. Door elk aspect van onze magazijnactiviteiten grondig te onderzoeken, kunnen we ervoor zorgen dat er geen potentiële risico's onopgemerkt blijven.
Zodra potentiële risico's zijn geïdentificeerd, beoordelen we de ernst ervan op basis van verschillende factoren, waaronder de waarschijnlijkheid van optreden en de gevolgen. We gebruiken een systematische aanpak om elk risiconiveau te rangschikken op een schaal van laag naar hoog. Zo kunnen we prioriteiten stellen voor welke risico's onmiddellijke aandacht nodig is en welke in een later stadium kunnen worden aangepakt.
Na het identificeren van potentiële risico's en het evalueren van de ernst ervan, ontwikkelt ons team uitgebreide strategieën om elk risico effectief aan te pakken.
In-depth training for Employees
Onze geavanceerde technologie en ultramoderne magazijnoplossingen vereisen vakkundig personeel dat goed is uitgerust om met de complexe automatiseringsoplossingen om te gaan.
To begin with, all our employees undergo rigorous training sessions before they are assigned any responsibilities in the warehouse. This includes both theoretical as well as practical knowledge about the functioning of our robotic warehouses and systems. Our trainers have years of experience working with these cutting-edge technologies and are able to effectively impart their expertise to our employees.
The training program is designed to cover various aspects such as understanding the basics of robotics, learning how to operate different types of machines and equipment, handling emergency situations, and ensuring proper maintenance procedures. We also provide specialised training for specific roles such as operators, technicians, and managers so that they can perform their tasks efficiently while maintaining warehouse safety.
Installation of Safety Barriers
Safety barriers play a crucial role in preventing accidents and injuries in robotic warehouses. They act as physical barriers between humans and robots, creating a safe working environment where both can operate without risk of harm. Addverb recognises the importance of these barriers and has implemented various measures to ensure their effectiveness.
To begin with, Addverb conducts thorough risk assessments before setting up any new warehouse or implementing new mobile robotic systems. This involves analysing potential hazards that could arise from working with robots, such as collisions or entanglement, and identifying areas where safety barriers are required. These risk assessments not only help identify potential risks but also aid in determining the most suitable type of barrier for each specific area to ensure safety in robotic warehouses.
Regular Inspection and Maintenance
Addverb volgt een strikt protocol voor regelmatige inspectie en onderhoud om de soepele werking van hun robotmagazijnen te garanderen
Conducting Daily Inspections
The first step in ensuring safety in robotic warehouses is conducting daily inspections. Addverb’s team of trained technicians conducts thorough inspections of all robots, machines, and equipment before starting operations each day. This includes checking for any damaged or malfunctioning parts, loose connections, or potential hazards that could pose a risk in safety in robotic warehouse.
Scheduled Maintenance
In addition to daily inspections, scheduled maintenance is also an essential practice followed by Addverb. The company has a well-defined schedule for routine maintenance tasks such as lubrication, cleaning, and calibration of robots and other equipment. This helps to identify any issues early on and prevent them from developing into more significant problems that could compromise safety in robotic warehouse.
Training Programs
Naast regelmatige inspecties en onderhoudstaken die worden uitgevoerd door getrainde technici, organiseert Addverb ook trainingsprogramma's voor magazijnpersoneel over basistechnieken voor het oplossen van problemen die zich tijdens de werkzaamheden kunnen voordoen. Hierdoor beschikken werknemers over de nodige kennis om kleine reparaties uit te voeren of potentiële gevaren te melden.
Safety Sensors and Emergency Stop Buttons
Om de veiligheid van robotoperaties te maximaliseren, moeten geavanceerde veiligheidssensoren worden geïnstalleerd. Deze sensoren zijn er in verschillende vormen, zoals nabijheidssensoren, vision-systemen en laserscanners. Ze leveren real-time gegevens over de aanwezigheid van mensen, objecten of potentiële gevaren in de buurt van robots.
Wanneer een mens de robot in de weg staat, communiceren de sensoren onmiddellijk met het besturingssysteem van de robot, waardoor veiligheidsmaatregelen worden geactiveerd zoals het verminderen van de snelheid, het pauzeren van bewegingen of het stoppen van de robot om ongelukken te voorkomen.
To ensure worker safety in robotic warehouse and swift response during emergencies in warehouses, the installation of easily accessible emergency stop buttons is crucial. These buttons, also known as kill buttons, provide a reliable way to quickly halt robot operations in critical situations, preventing accidents and damage.

How are risks mitigated in robotic warehouses?
Through comprehensive risk assessments and control measures.
How are employees trained for safety?
Employees receive training on robotic systems, safety protocols, and emergency procedures.
What safety features protect workers?
Safety barriers, sensors, and emergency stop buttons are installed.
How is maintenance managed for safety?
Regular inspections and maintenance are conducted to ensure safe operations.
What do safety sensors do?
They detect humans or obstacles, slowing or stopping operations if necessary.